

This grain which is mostly grown in Russia is often used for feed for cattle.  But that is not its only use….It also is used extensively in beer and whiskey making.
Barley is a grain that contains gluten which can give it a pastalike consistency which makes it a good addition to soups and stews (unless you are gluten intolerant of course).

Pearl barley is when the bran covering has been removed from the barley grain which makes it easier to cook but takes away some of the nutrients compared to whole barley.  Whole barley contains more fibre, twice the calcium, three times the amount of iron and 25% more protein than pearled barley.  The other nutrients are rich in B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium.  Some great phytonutrients in barley such as lutein (anti-ageing) and catechin.

Barley can benefit the gallbladder and nerves, treats diarrhoea (needs to pan-roasted before cooking), soothes inflamed membranes, alleviates swelling, helps reduce fever amongst its healing benefits.

Barley is considered one of the most acid forming grains, but by simply roasting the whole barley before cooking makes barley more alkalizing.

Barley is great added to soups, stews, casseroles, make a salad with it like you would a pasta or rice salad, replace rice or quinoa with it as a side for variation, use instead of rice for risotto, barley water/teas have been used for centuries to treat many ailments.



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