These would have to be one of the most common fruits around the world and quite possibly is the biggest seller of fruit juice!
They are of course as we all know are very high in vitamin C as one orange can give us around 65mg. They are also high in potassium and calcium and contain modest amounts of all the vitamins and minerals. They are easier to eat then other citrus fruits being sweeter so are a good way of getting the immune boosting vitamin C. They also have more Vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene then any other citrus fruit which can further help boost the immune system and help fight infections.
They can help with poor digestion and poor appetite, good for inflammation such as arthritis and can help lower fever. Of course we know them for gums and teeth as sailors were given oranges for scurvy.
An interesting use for the inner white pith of the skin is to place over eyelids to help dissolve eye cysts.
Oranges can be used in many ways – sweet or savoury, but remember when heating them in any way the vitamin C is mostly destroyed.
Food of the Week
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