I have just spent a week in New Zealand and even though we can get Feijoas in Australia, I have never come across them until now. I decided to give them a try and was pleasantly surprised. I felt in flavour they are a cross between a pineapple and a banana. Texture is a like a jelly, but are look similar to a pomegranate (except not the large seeds) as they are divided into chambers with pith in the middle. From the outside they look like a small darker green avocado.
I quite enjoyed them, so thought I would find out more about them. Apparently in Australia they are also called pineapple guavas. They are extremely high in vitamin C, fibre and antioxidants. One of the most alkaline foods, they are great to balance your pH if you are acidic. High in folate, iodine and potassium. Due to their high vitamin C content and antioxidants they are great for immune boosting. Due to their naturally high folate and iodine they are perfect addition for pregnant ladies. The high amount of potassium helps to lower blood pressure.
You can eat them fresh on their own, in a fruit salad, make them into jams/chutneys, add them to your smoothie, icecream or on your cereal. If you haven’t tried one and get the opportunity to, I highly recommend it!
Food of the Week
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