Pears have just come back into season, so now is the time to include pears in your daily fruit intake. There are a number of varieties of pears which can suit different tastes some are crunchy whilst others are juicy.
They contain good fibre, vitamin C, folic acid, have high levels of potassium and good levels of manganese and selenium. Due to their high fibre content they are good for helping with constipation (100% pear juice or pear puree is good to give to babies/small children when constipated and can’t eat pears), they can help gallbladder inflammation, quenches thirst and can help if you loose your voice! They are good cleansers and detoxifiers.
Pears are so extremely versatile, eat them as is – a healthy quick snack, add them to fruit salads, add to regular salads, bake them into healthy muffins, poaching them can make a lovely dessert, they go well with cheese and are often on a cheese platter.
Have listen to my Youtube clip =
Food of the Week
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