I have given some info in the past on purple carrots which I love! But here are some facts on the more commonly known orange carrots.
They are alkaline-forming and can help wtih acne, tonsilitis and rheumatism. They improve liver function, stimulates elimination of wastes, acts as a diuretic, treats indigestion including excess stomach acid and hearburn, helpful for diarrhoea and contains an essential oil that destroys pinworms and roundworms!
Carrots are one of the richest sources of betacarotene (vitamin A) which can help treat night blindness, ear infections, earaches and deafness. Its also anti-inflammatory and helps the skin and mucous membranes. The juice can heal burns when directly applied. They can also increase the milk supply of nursing mothers and help regulate hormones. They contain many other antioxidants as well not just betacarotene.
Carrots also contain folic acid, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. You can use carrots in so many dishes and can be sweet or savoury even though they are naturally sweeter (1 cup has 50 calories). Juicing carrots is a good way to get a more therapeutic dosage and there are differnt ways to prepare the carrot to suit the therapy. Let me know if you interested further on this point.
So eat your carrots! And mix it up a little and get purple ones too! But do not have more than 4 cups of carrot juice a day and if you do go too crazy and eat tonnes of carrots you can start to turn orange!
Food of the Week
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