Brazil Nuts
Brazil Nuts
The brazil nut tree is a huge tree (nearly 100 feet (30.83m) high). The fruit on this tree contains 10-20 hard shelled seeds which are the brazil nut.
They are a great source of protein but also contain a high level of fat, about 2/3 in fact. Therefore these nuts can easily turn rancid if care is not taken and the oil is not used commercially for this reason.
Some people consider them a super food! They are extremely high in calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, potassium and most well known for their high selenium content. Good levels of zinc and iron are also in the brazil nut. Some B vitamins and good levels of Vitamin E. Interestingly they are high in beta-carotene (most well know in carrots).
They can be beneficial for prostate health, a quick fix of good energy, beneficial for diabetics, can help reduce heart disease and can strengthen the immune system.
They can be eaten in sweet and savoury dishes and even ground up and used instead of peanut butter!
Grab a small handful of Brazil nuts today!
Food of the Week
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