Chia Seeds

Chia seeds

Pronouced “chee-ah” these seeds have been around since 3500BC orginating in South America.  It’s name is Mayan for “Strength” as they used to eat chia during endurance contests known for its great source of energy.

It comes black or white, but basically has the same nutritional properties.  They are one of the highest plant sources of Omega 3 (besides flax), although remembering we don’t convert Omega 3 from plants easily into EPA and DHA like from fish, cow or kangaroo – If interested ask me more about this.

Great source of soluable and insoluable fibre, fantastic for treating constipation.  Very high in the minerals calcium, potassium and magnesium, 20% is protein and is the only vegetable protein that is a complete protein (equivalent to animal protein).  Huge amount of antioxidants and is a wholegrain food which doesn’t require any processing before we can eat it.

It is deemed a superfood as it contains so many nutrients but also has health benefits, which include helping control blood sugar levels of type 2 diabetics, great for weight loss, provides more energy and would help muscle recovering after exercise, arthritis sufferers, great way to treat constipation or high cholesterol having 37% fibre, good for heart health, hair, nails and skin.

It comes in the form of seeds, bran and oil.  You can sprinkle it on salads, cereals, blend into smoothies, use the oil for salad dressings, add to stir-fries, bake into healthy treats or just mix with water for added fibre.  Its virtually tasteless so you can use it any way you want.



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