Its a relative of wheat orginating in Southeast Asia. Spelt does contain gluten like wheat but unlike wheat people (even some coeliacs) can tolerate it a lot better. Spelt is known to strengthen immunity which could be due to the extremely thick husk that protects itself against insects so rarely needs to be sprayed with insecticides. Unlike wheat spelt has a rich nutty flavour which most people prefer its richer flavour.
Its higher in protein, fat and fibre than most varieties of wheat. The fibre is highly water soluable which dissolves easily providing better absportion of nutrients. Spelt can be used in place of wheat in any recipe and can be found as bread, pasta, flour and cereals.
So next time you go to reach for regular wheat products and see spelt alternatives try the spelt and see if you prefer the flavour (and colour), I know I do!
Food of the Week
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