October is the start of pineapple season in Australia, so buy some fresh pineapple and add it your morning breakfast. Starting the day with pineapple before your breakfast will help with better digestion as it contains the enzyme bromelin. This enzyme is only active in fresh pineapple and not from tinned/canned. Pineapple can help quench thirst, treat sunstroke, indigestion, diarrhoea and swelling/fluid retention as it can be a diuretic. Avoid under-ripe pineapple as this can be too acidic and can damage teeth. They can also have some anti-inflammatory action in the body due to the bromelin. Pineapples contain some Vitamin A and C, potassium, calcium, and trace minerals manganese (this is quite high, 1 cup can supply your daily needs) and selenium. Pineapple can be added to fruit salads, regular salads, used as salsas, cooked in stir fries, added to sandwiches etc. Just avoid the battered deep fried varities!
Food of the Week
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