

Summer is on its way and now is the season for both pink and yellow grapefruit.  The pink variety is usually sweeter and not as tart as the yellow variety.  Especially good for weight loss as they help reduce appetite, low in kilojoules and can burn nearly as many kilojoules eating them as they contain.  Great source of vitamin C and potassium but also contain Vitamins A and some B’s including the bioflavonoid Biotin (great for balancing blood sugar levels), also some calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.  Grapefruit is a great way to start the day as it helps with digestion.
Making a tea with the juice and pulp (simmer pulp for 10 mins in 175ml of water, then add the juice and sip slowly) can help reduce fevers.  Citrus seed extract is mainly derived from the seeds of grapefruit and has many antibiotic effects for internal and external use and around the home.
Enjoy your grapefruit on its own, in a fruit salad, make dressing with the juice, or replace lemon, oranges or limes in any recipe with grapefruit.  Also a good juice is juicing 2 grapefruit with some pineapple! Contact me if you want more information on Citrus seed extract.


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