Here is another picture from my garden. Technically asparagus season isn’t until October but we have been waiting 2 years for harvest and decided to try the new baby spears. They were incredible in flavour!
The tips are actually little flowers! Good amounts of vitamin C (if eaten raw), Vitamin A, folic acid and potassium. Also very high in sulphur. Some people may notice an unusual smell to their urine after eating asparagus which is due to the amino acid asparagine not actually the sulphur. Also contains some iron, calcium, magnesium, iodine and zinc. Relatively high in protein and fibre. Some great antioxidants too! When cooking, instead of cutting the woody end off, simply work your way along bending it slightly until it snaps, this will ensure you don’t get the woody end. Although fresh young asparagus shouldn’t be woody!
Food of the Week
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