There are many varieties of mushrooms ranging from white, button, field, portabello (as pictured), shiitake, oyster and the list goes on. They are high in protein, iron and selenium. Contain good quantities of B vitamins, but don’t get trapped in thinking they contain B12 as this is usually just from the compost they are grown in and not in the actual mushroom! Shiitake and Reishi have had extensive studies in regards to being immune supportive being anti-viral and anti-bacterial. Mushrooms can be a good meat substitute for vegetarians but should be avoided if you have yeast sensitivities or mould allergies. It is not advisable to pick wild mushrooms as there are varying degrees of how poisionous – from stomach upsets, paralysis and even death. So enjoy the ones from the shop or buy a mushroom kit and grow your own as they are very easy to grow!
Food of the Week
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