

I can’t get enough of tofu at the moment, so thought it fitting to give some info about it to those that may not be so familiar with it.  It is a curd created from fermenting soybeans.  It is a little bland on its own, but picks up flavours well particularly if marinated.  The chinese have been eating tofu for thousands of years.  Nutritionally it contains easily diegested protein, B vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and sodium.  It is great because it is generally inexpensive and low in calories and depending on how its made its calcium can be equal to that of milk.  Highly versatile – can be used in salads, stir-fries, used in place of meat in any meal and also blended in salad dressings etc as it can be bought in both firm and silken varieties.  For a great tofu recipe suggestion see my recipes page  Enjoy!


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