Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds
Most people would recognise this flower. This is where sunflower seeds come from. They have been used for many years by the American Indians as a medicine as well as to help with energy levels. They can help with high blood pressure as their potassium to sodium ratio balances high salt levels in most people’s diets, they are also known to be a diruretic whic…h helps reduce blood pressure. They can help reduce cholesterol due to their high vitamin E content and high amount of polyunsaturated fats (good fats). Extremely mineral rich food including zinc, iron and calcium. The best fibre content of all the seeds and high in vitamins such as B vitamins and vitamin D. Store your seeds in the fridge and if buying oil, opt for cold pressed and store in the fridge once opened. Enjoy these as part of nut/seed mix, sprinkled on salads, baked into breads, use in casseroles, ground with almonds and linseeds for your morning cereal.
Food of the Week
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