Agar Agar

Agar Agar

This is actually mucilage from a several species of seaweed.  It grows into fern-like fronds in browns, reds and blues.  100’s of years ago the Chinese and Japanese learnt how to freeze-dry and dehydrate the fronds until they became transparent and could be used as gelatin.

Very similar to gelatin, Agar Agar is superior in that it doesn’t easily melt and has a firmer texture.  It also contains no calories.  And being from a seaweed contains no animal products whatsoever so perfect for vegetarians/vegans!

Agar Agar has potential healing properties such as reduces inflammation, can help the liver and can be a mild laxative.  It can be used to help with digestion and weight loss, treats hemorrhoids and can help carry toxins from the body.  Agar Agar does contain good levels of calcium and iron.

Can be used in any recipes calling for gelatin or anything that you want to set.  Look at measurements – click here

agar agar


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