Black Beans

Black Beans

These very black beans, members of the kidney bean family, are also called black turtle beans and are native to Mexico.  They haven’t had much recognition in Australia until the recent Mexican fast food chains that have become quite popular.

Being black in colour makes them nutrient dense.  They are high in iron and magnesium and have good calcium and vitamin B6.  They are nearly 50% protein too making them a good protein option.

They have many healing qualities such as useful for low backache, knee pain and support digestive track health.  Also black bean juice can be beneficial for hoarseness, laryngitis, kidney stones, bed wetting or other urinary difficulties and hot flushes associated with menopause.

Black beans can be used in just about any dish whether it be soups, casseroles, salads or in any other way you normally use legumes.  They even go quite well in sweet dishes as I found out recently when I made a delicious black bean fudge brownie….

If you can’t find black beans at your local supermarket – have a look at your local health food store as they are sure to stock them!  Yum!



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