Soy Beans
Soybeans are getting a lot more attention in the Western world with the introduction of sushi becoming so popular. Pictured below is fresh soybeans (also called Edamame). Dried soybeans are creamy yellow and smaller.
Soybeans are very versatile and contain a complete protein similar to beef but not as concentrated. Most legumes don’t contain complete proteins. Growing soybeans is a more productive use of land too as they can provide 20 times more protein per acre than raising beef!
They contain very little saturated fat, but have good levels of polyunsaturated fat, calcium, lecithin (great brain food) and vitamin E (powerful antioxidant).
There is a lot of genetically modified soy especially in the USA so making sure you buy organic soy products will ensure you are not being exposed to GM soy.
They can help improve circulation, help with diabetes, lower fever, alkalizes the body and can help eliminate toxins from the body, constipation, fluid retention and food poisoning.
Apart from fresh,Soybeans come in the form of soy milk, dried/canned, tempeh (fermented soybean cakes), soy burgers etc instead of meat, soy cheese/yoghurt, soy sauce, miso and tofu. Just make sure if you are cooking soybeans to cook well as they can be difficult to digest. Fermented soy products makes it easy to digest.
There has been a lot of conversation lately about soybeans and their effects on hormones. I am in the process of writing an article on this – so stay tuned for more information!
But in the meantime, its safe to say organic soybeans are pretty safe for all to enjoy it is many forms!
Food of the Week
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