Corn is the third most consumed grain across the world. And yes it is a grain not a vegetable, although it is the only grain that can be eaten as a vegetable eg fresh. Corn is also known as maize. It naturally does not contain any gluten so is often added to many gluten free products.
Corn is the only grain to have originated in the United States and was a primary food for Native Americans who added lime juice to it. It quickly moved to Mexico and South America, but now is grown in many countries around the world.
Corn is mostly carbohydrate but does contain 10-15% protein. Its high in Vitamin B1, some vitamin C (if not cooked), folic acid, other B vitamins (although low in B3), high in potassium and magnesium and contains some iron, zinc and selenium. Interestingly in the USA most of the manufactured vitamin C is extracted primarily from corn. It contains some good phytonutrients such as quercetin and zeaxanthin.
Corn has many ways in which it can be eaten besides fresh, steamed, boiled or BBQ’d/grilled. The grains can be popped and popcorn when made adding your own ingredients can be a very healthy snack. Cornmeal or corn flour is used for cornbread or corn tortillas. Polenta is coarsely ground corn.
Corn does have yellow and white varieties. There is a blue corn variety indigenous to South Western America which has greater nutrient levels than the yellow and white varieties.
Corn help improve appetite, tonifies the kidneys, regulates and improves digestion. Corn silk used as a tea infusion can help with urinary difficulties, high blood pressure, swelling/oedema, kidney stones and gallstones.
Food of the Week
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