

Also known as beets this vegetable can be eaten as the root being the red part and also the leaves.

Although beetroot originated in the eastern Mediterranean and middle east and was only eaten for its leaves, it for some reason is synonymous with Australia and in particular being an addition to any hamburger making it an “Aussie burger” or any sandwich.  Does anyone know how this originated?  After world war II pickled beetroot became a big thing in the UK, but most other countries eat beetroot cooked and is used similarly to how Australians would use carrots.

Interestingly all the canned beetroot in Australia is farmed at Gatton in South East Queensland and canned by Golden Circle for all the other canned beetroot brands.

Canned beetroot has vinegars and sugars added, so is not the healthiest way to eat beetroot and this should be mostly avoided.  The canning process also destroys most of the nutrients.

Freshly prepared beetroot is the best way!  Grated raw in salads, juiced, roasted, made into soup like the classic Russian Beet Borscht, steamed, used in healthy sweet treats – beetroot goes well with chocolate!
Beetroot is naturally sweet and is quite high on the glycemic index with a score of 70, so shouldn’t be consumed in huge amounts as it can spike blood sugar levels.

In moderation though beetroots are a powerhouse of nutrients being high in iron, potassium, niacin, copper and vitamin C.  They also contain good levels of folic acid, zinc, calcium, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus.  The leaves contain high levels of vitamin A, iron and calcium!

Due to their intense red colour this indicates they are really high in phytonutrients!

Beetroot can strengthen the heart, improve circulation, purifies the blood, benefits the liver and promotes menstruation.  Can be beneficial for the liver and also for constipation.
It is also incredibly easy to grow!



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