

Originating in China – this was once used mainly as fodder and birdseed but is becoming more consumed as a gluten free grain option.  There are many different types of millet.

It is the most alkaline of all the grains and therefore the least congesting.

Its nearly 15% protein, contains good fibre and B vitamins such as B1, 2 and 3, a little vitamin E and its particularly high in iron, magnesium and potassium.  It also contains some good phytonutrients.

It can benefit those that are overly acidic so good if you are on an alkalizing diet, can retard bacterial growth in the mouth and is also antifungal.  Can be used for diarrhea, vomiting, indigestion and diabetes and can soothe morning sickness particularly if eaten as millet soup.

Cook millet in a similar way as you would rice.  Or you can buy puffed millet to have as a breakfast cereal or to make slices with it.  Millet milk is also a good option for a non-dairy milk alternative.


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