

Limes have very similar healing properties to lemons so they can be used interchangably.  I personally prefer the flavour of limes to lemons.  Limes actually helped save the British sailors from scurvey due to their vitamin C content which gave these sailors the nickname of “Limeys”. Limes are not only very high in vitamin C, but also potassium and other minerals while being low in sodium.
Limes have antiseptic, anti-microbial and mucous resolving action making it helpful for colds, flus, coughs and parasite infestation, can promote weightloss, cleanses the blood, can help treat high blood pressure and allieviates flatulence and indigestion in general.
Limes are even better than lemons as they are usually grown with less chemicals, so you if you can’t buy organic at least they have fewer chemicals. As lemons and limes are 4-6 higher in acid content than oranges and three times that of grapefruit, people with stomach ulcers should avoid them.  Although once in the body they actually assist in making the body more akaline and not acidic, but can irritate ulcers.
So use lime where you normally would use lemon for a nice refreshing change.  Start the day with luke warm water with a slice of lime to kick start your liver and your metabolism.  Or if you are starting to get a cold or a sore thoat, instead of making a hot lemon and honey drink, try lime instead!


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