Megan Crockart – Balancing Nutrition + Yoga
Phone: 0417 679 287
Address: 36 Riding Road, Hawthorne QLD 4171
Find me on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube
There are supplements and then there are supplements
04/11/2019 Articles 0 Comment(s)
There are so many supplements (vitamins, minerals, herbal supplements, oil supplements etc) on the market it can be mind boggling. In 2017, research was undertaken to get an idea of the supplement use in Australia and we are one of […]
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Protein powders – are they necessary?
24/08/2019 Articles 0 Comment(s)
There are so many protein powders out on the market targeting anything from body building to weight loss and detoxification and everything in between. But are protein powders necessary for the majority of us to have in our daily diet? […]
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Honey – Manuka/Raw? What is it all about?
17/08/2019 Articles 0 Comment(s)
Honey is a refined sweetener and is passed into the bloodstream very quickly similar to sugar but it does contain minerals and enzymes so therefore does not upset the body’s mineral balance in the same way as sugar. Raw or […]
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27/07/2019 Articles 0 Comment(s)
Is salt good or bad for you? What type of salt is better? There are so many options out there now, which one to buy? These are the types of questions out there about salt. Salt does have a reputation […]
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The effects alcohol has on the body
05/07/2019 Articles 0 Comment(s)
We are all aware of the symptoms we experience while we’re drinking eg delayed reflexes, memory loss, lack of coordination and the symptoms of a hangover eg thirst, headache, nausea and/or vomiting and fatigue. Here are some other effects alcohol […]
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Saturated Fats and Margarine – The Good, The Bad and The Don’t Waste Your Money
29/06/2019 Articles 0 Comment(s)
Here are some facts on the saturated fats, oils and margarine. Click here to ready my previous post on unsaturated fats and oils. Margarine is made using vegetable oils and has traditionally been high in trans fatty acids due to […]
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Egg Substitutes
29/06/2019 Articles 0 Comment(s)
There are many different things you can substitute egg in cooking or baking if you are unable to eat eggs or for ethical reasons prefer not to consume them. Some things don’t seem quite the same without egg, but other […]
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Prebiotics for your microbiome
18/05/2019 Articles 0 Comment(s)
There is a lot of focus on taking probiotics to help get the good balance back in your gut with your micro-organisms. Sometimes specific probiotics are very helpful for different things, but sometimes they are not going to do so […]
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Mouth Microbiome
18/05/2019 Articles 0 Comment(s)
Everyone has heard they have a microbiome (trillions of organisms and their genetic material) in their gut, but did you know you also have other areas in your body with their own microbiome such as your skin, nasal passage and […]
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Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids
13/04/2019 Articles 0 Comment(s)
As we all know Omega 3 essential fatty acids are crucial to be included in the human diet. But do you eat fish 3-4 times a week to maintain good levels of these Omega 3’s? Do you have a fish […]
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