Megan Crockart – Balancing Nutrition + Yoga
Phone: 0417 679 287
Address: 36 Riding Road, Hawthorne QLD 4171
Find me on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube
Food of the Week
Food of the Week
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Plums Plums are only around in Australia during our summer months and coincide with Christmas and hence why they are associated with Christmas plum puddings. They come in many varieties and colours although most of them are varying shades of […]
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Food of the Week
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Apricots These little balls of fruit originated in China. Summer is their season in Australia so now is the time to buy your apricots as their season only lasts a few short months! They are heavily sprayed so are one […]
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Food of the Week
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Macadamia Macadamia nuts are native to Australia. Aboriginals have been eating them for thousands of years. They would either grind them up or roast them and crack them open. Macadamias have a hard smooth shell that is very difficult to […]
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Food of the Week
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Corn Corn is the third most consumed grain across the world. And yes it is a grain not a vegetable, although it is the only grain that can be eaten as a vegetable eg fresh. Corn is also known as […]
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Food of the Week
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Vegemite Now I don’t normally talk about brands, but this one food item is an iconic food group of Australia dating back to 1923 when it was first created! And the recipe has not changed since except for the gluten […]
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Food of the Week
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Coffee Who is addicted to coffee, needing that cup first thing of a morning to get going? Have a read below! Coffee is a stimulant. In folk medicine it was used for snakebite, asthma, jaundice, vertigo and headache. Now days […]
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Food of the Week
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Watermelon Summer it appears is truly upon us early this year and watermelon is back in season! It is a great thirst quenching fruit to have on these warmer days. Watermelons are as they are named mostly water. But they […]
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Sweet potato
Food of the Week
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Sweet potato Sweet potatoes can be confused with yams in the USA, even though they are a completely different species and no sweet potatoes are not the same species as regular potatoes either – another misconception! They are native to […]
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Chic Peas
Food of the Week
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Chic Peas Also known as Garbanzo beans, this legume is one of the first cultivated legumes! Chic peas don’t just come as the creamy colour we most commonly can buy, but also come in different sizes and colours ranging from […]
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Pine Nuts
Food of the Week
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Pine nuts Pine nuts are the edible seeds of the pine cone. Northern hemisphere countries that are abundant in pine trees have been eating these little nuts for many years. They were a staple for the Native American. They are […]
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