Megan Crockart – Balancing Nutrition + Yoga
Phone: 0417 679 287
Address: 36 Riding Road, Hawthorne QLD 4171
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Food of the Week
Food of the Week
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Peanut Peanuts are actually legumes and not nuts! Despite the fact that many people are allergic to peanuts they are still the most commonly eaten of the nuts. They have a good amount of protein about 20%, although their fat […]
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Food of the Week
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Turnip Summer is over and hopefully the cooler weather is on its way as turnips is good warming tuber vegetable that is mostly associated with cooler days. Turnips are similar to parsnips and have similar nutritional properties. Have a look […]
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Food of the Week, Uncategorized
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Chilli Chiles are part of the capsicum family (peppers if your from USA), so have similar properties to the capsicum. Chilli can be used to spice up dishes, although they do come in varying degrees of spice (heat). … They […]
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Food of the Week
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Nori Nori is the most commonly used seaweed and has mostly received its claim to fame as being the sheet that holds your sushi together! Australian’s no longer just see this fantastic sea vegetable as something that has just washed […]
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Food of the Week
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Lychees are a tropical fruit which originated in China, but are being grown in Australia, mostly in Queensland. The Chinese brought them to Australia over 100 years ago in the goldrush days! In China the lychee is a symbol of […]
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Food of the Week
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Lemons Lemons are very similar to limes – see my article on limes Lemons are a cleanser, purifier, rejuvenator and detoxifier so are very handy to help with liver detox and fat metabolism. Half a lemon squeezed into water […]
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Food of the Week
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Rockmelon Rockmelon is also called Cantaloupe (especially in the US). They have a lovely orange flesh and are usually quite sweet. Interestingly they always seem to appear at hotel breakfast buffets everywhere I have travelled, whether they are in season […]
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Food of the Week
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Salmon Salmon is most commonly associated with pictures of bears catching the fish as they make their way up a pristine stream to lay their eggs. Most of the salmon available in Australia is farmed salmon not wild, not […]
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Food of the Week
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Mussels Mussels are part of the mollusk family of shellfish. This means that they are a sea filter and usually eat by pumping water through their bodies. They can therefore easily contain concentrated pollutants and have also been referred […]
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Food of the Week
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Papaya Also called paw paw, these are in their element at this time of year being a tropical fruit. They are rich in betacarotene (vitamin A precursor) and vitamin C as well as potassium. It has some great phytonutrients such […]
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