Megan Crockart – Balancing Nutrition + Yoga
Phone: 0417 679 287
Address: 36 Riding Road, Hawthorne QLD 4171
Find me on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube
Food of the Week
Food of the Week
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Ginger Comes in many forms, fresh, pickled, ground, liquid etc and is very versatile. Tastes so good but is also really good for you. Fights inflammation, has antioxidant and antimicrobial effects and is very useful for nausea, morning sickness or […]
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Purple Carrot
Food of the Week
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Purple carrot Carrots were originally purple not orange and they are making a come back. They have double the amount of beta-carotene (Vitamin A) compared to the old orange carrot and contain 28 times more anthocyanins – the powerful antioxidant. […]
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Food of the Week
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Honey Honey is a refined sweetner and is passed into the bloodstream very quickly similar to sugar but it does contain minerals and enzymes so therefore does not upset the body’s mineral balance in the same way as sugar. Raw […]
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Food of the Week
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Cacao (ka-kow) vs Cocoa! What’s the difference? Cacao powder is only heated up to 40 degrees celsius maintaining its nutirients and antioxidants. Cocoa powder is heated up to 150 degrees celsius often adding solvents to the mix. If you want […]
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Kangaroo Meat
Food of the Week
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Kangaroo meat Most people might be scared to try kangaroo meat being part of our national emblem, but they are being farmed for eating, so why not give them a try. The meat is very high in protein and low […]
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Food of the Week
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Strawberries Who doesn’t love strawberries? They are one of the most popular fruits for kids and adults alike. Strawberries are unique in that their seeds are on the outside. They are very high in vitamin C, silicon,… iron and potassium. […]
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Food of the Week
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Pomegranate They are in season now in Australia and some people may have seen them being used on some of the popular australian cooking shows. They have some vitamin C and potassium but are jam-packed full of antioxidants! The seeds […]
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Food of the Week
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Tofu I can’t get enough of tofu at the moment, so thought it fitting to give some info about it to those that may not be so familiar with it. It is a curd created from fermenting soybeans. It is […]
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Food of the Week
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Bananas Such versatile and tasty fruit. They are such a great snack to take with you anywhere you go, or blend into smoothies, bake into healthy banana bread (stay tuned working on a healthier tasty banana bread recipe…), have them […]
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Sunflower Seeds
Food of the Week
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Sunflower seeds Most people would recognise this flower. This is where sunflower seeds come from. They have been used for many years by the American Indians as a medicine as well as to help with energy levels. They can help […]
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