Food of the Week

  • Kiwi Fruit

      09/07/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Kiwi Fruit They are in season in Australia during winter and are high in Vitamin C so great to snack on in the colder months while helping to boost your immune system.  They can help reduce cholesterol and improve circulation!  […]
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  • Rice

      02/07/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Rice After wheat, rice is the most extensively used grain in the world and hence there are now many varieties of rice on the market, but the majority are highly processed white rice, not leaving that many nutrients.  Unrefined brown […]
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  • Mandarins

      25/06/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Mandarins In season in Australia between May and October (native to China), they are the perfect fruit to take with you anywhere – easier to peel and eat than an orange!  Great for the winter months being high in vitami…n […]
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  • Potatoes

      25/06/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Potatoes  Are potatoes getting a bit of bad publicity lately?  Yes they are a high carbohydrate food having an extremely high glycemic index of 95 (which can be reduced when eaten with other foods). They can still be enjoyed as […]
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  • Maple Syrup

      25/06/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Maple syrup It is the sap that is partially refined from the maple tree. And is only produced in North America and Canada.  Make sure you buy organic pure Maple syurp and not “maple flavoured syrup” as this not maple […]
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  • Spinach/Silverbeet

      04/06/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Spinach/Silverbeet Did you know its a specific remedy for nosebleeds as it stops bleeding!  Its a great treatment for constipation and urinary difficulty.  It contains rich amounts of iron and cholorphyll and has abundant vitamin A. Remember popeye and his […]
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  • Mushrooms

      04/06/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Mushrooms There are many varieties of mushrooms ranging from white, button, field, portabello (as pictured), shiitake, oyster and the list goes on.  They are high in protein, iron and selenium.  Contain good quantities of B vitamins, but don’t get trapped […]
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  • Quinoa

      04/06/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Quinoa (pronounced “keen wa”). This is becoming very popular although the Incas have been eating this as a staple food for thousands of years.  Quinoa is actually a seed but is used like a grain.  It has the highest protein […]
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  • Fennel

      04/06/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Fennel A member of the parsley family, fresh fennel is great eaten raw in salads, tastes amazing roasted or throw into your stirfry or casserole.  The bulb is slightly sweet with an aniseed flavour. The leaves are stronger in flavour.  […]
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  • Figs

      04/06/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Fresh Figs Figs are currently in season in Australia (very short season late summer to mid autumn), so enjoy them while they are around.  Figs are very high in calcium and fibre, contain magnesium, iron, copper and manganese, B6 and […]
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