Food of the Week

  • Eggs

      17/09/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Eggs  Eggs from chickens that is.  Always try to buy organic and free range eggs as battery hens are not only inhumane but also are not hygenic.  50% of an egg is protein and they are high in fat but […]
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  • Sourdough Bread

      10/09/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Food of the week = Sourdough Bread.  This is similar to bread that you can buy anywhere except that it is naturally leavened using the fermented product of sourdough.  This means that live airborne yeasts are introduced into the dough […]
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  • Cashew nuts

      03/09/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Cashew Nuts  These nuts come from 30 foot tropical trees and are really high in magnesium, potassium, iron and zinc.  Cashews have lower fat and higher carbohydrate levels combpared to other nuts.  They contain good leve… ls of B vitamins […]
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  • Cabbage

      30/08/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Cabbage Another picture of my own home grown cabbage! One of the leafy greens, full of nutrients including high levels of Vitamin C (more C than oranges if eaten raw) and Vitamin E in the outer leaves.  Good source of […]
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  • Tamarillo

      20/08/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Tamarillo I had never tried one and saw them in the shops the other day.  They are similar to a passionfruit and a tomato.  Related to tomatos, eggplants and potatoes they orginated in South and Central America.  The skin is […]
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  • Turkey

      13/08/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Turkey And no I’m not referring to the Aussie Bush Turkey!  More commonly eaten in America and Canada and known for the festive season, Australia is slowly starting to think more about turkey as a meat. Its a great alternative to […]
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  • Asparagus

      13/08/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Asparagus Here is another picture from my garden. Technically asparagus season isn’t until October but we have been waiting 2 years for harvest and decided to try the new baby spears.  They were incredible in flavour! The tips are actually […]
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  • Buckwheat

      13/08/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Buckwheat Often causing some confusion with its name as it is not related to wheat at all and isn’t actually a grain from a grass.  Its a thistle that produces what is called “groats” which have a fibrous shell giving […]
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  • Sugar Snap Peas

      13/08/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Sugar snap peas Check out the picture of my own garden grown sugar snap peas!  They can be eaten raw in salads or with dips, cooked in stir fries, steamed with other vegetables, the peas can be eaten separately or […]
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  • Brussel Sprouts

      13/08/2012     Food of the Week     0 Comment(s)

    Brussel sprouts The old Brussel sprout is rarely a favourite with most people, particularly children and this is mostly due to their high sulphur content.  They can produce gas but are full of nutrition such as Vitamins A and C, […]
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